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Builders vs. Destroyers - Hamas Terror Attacks


We are sending this email to keep our community of BUILDERS united and informed so that we may be empowered to overcome the hateful extremism that destroys lives and harms all of humanity. Many of you have asked me for guidance on what’s taking place in Israel and Gaza and how to support those suffering under the terror incited by Hamas. I hope this can be a resource to you. May you and your loved ones be safe. Hold those you cherish closely in these harrowing times. In our partnership, there is reason to be hopeful.

In Solidarity,

Daniel Lubetzky

Jewish and Muslum IDF soldiers pray together side-by-side

The Situation

As someone who has dedicated my life to building bridges between people, most centrally among Israelis and Palestinians committed to resolve their conflict and build a better future for their children (i.e. OneVoice & PeaceWorks) — I hope everyone will unanimously and vocally condemn the appalling terrorist attacks by Hamas. Hamas proudly targeted women and children as hostages. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy said it best: “Terror must not be given a single chance anywhere in the world, because terror is always a crime not just against one country or its specific victims, but against humanity as a whole and our entire world.” Behind all of this is the Islamic Republic Regime repressively ruling over Iran. Ayatollah Khamenei’s senior advisor, a General in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, acknowledged their role in the “proud operation.” Another proxy of the Iranians, Hezbollah, is “evaluating” the situation and could attack from the north. It is very possible that Iranian-funded terrorists in the West Bank and even Jerusalem will escalate. They are trying to scuttle a peace agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia, using Palestinian and Israeli lives as their pawns to sacrifice.

While there is valid debate about how to ensure that peace between Israelis and the rest of the Arab world is sustainable and leads to prosperity, freedom, dignity and security for Israelis, Palestinians, and all of their neighbors, there should be zero tolerance for the systemic use of terrorism across the region by the Iranian regime, which has held its people and the region hostage for decades, and has played a role in derailing peace efforts for far too long.

Indeed, Iran has been fueling the tragedy in Ukraine, supplying drones that have killed thousands. All of us who care about the freedoms that liberal democracies provide us must stand steadfastly against this evil alliance of totalitarian states. We stand in solidarity and support with all our team on the ground: the valiant Israeli and Palestinian activists trying to build a movement of moderates against violent extremism, the courageous leaders trying to ensure that rule of law, democracy, freedom, dignity, and respect for all peoples of the region are the guiding posts for a long term resolution to the conflict. Our first priority is their safety, including our Israeli activists who live in the south, and our Palestinian peace activists that live in Gaza.


How to Help

1. Donate

We are hearing from Israeli officials that the most urgent needs are for emergency medical and trauma responses. We are supporting the following vetted organizations serving heroes and victims in both Israel and Gaza.

Emergency & Medical Response:

  • Friends of United Hatzalah: United Hatzalah is a volunteer emergency response organization providing free medical care throughout Israel by using specially equipped motorcycle ambulances. They are raising funds for desperately needed supplies to provide their volunteers with the equipment they need to save lives and the protective equipment to keep themselves safe.


Trauma Response:

  • American Friends of NATAL: NATAL has been treating those in need of trauma support and mental health resources throughout Israel, regardless of race, religion, or socioeconomic background. They have opened a hotline specifically dedicated to those who have been affected by this war and have been receiving thousands of calls.


Rehabilitation for Terror Victims:

  • Jewish Agency for Israel – North American Council’s Fund for Victims of Terror: The Jewish Agency’s Fund for Victims of Terror is a first responder, providing immediate assistance to terror victims. The victims receive financial support within 48 hours of an attack, followed up with long term rehabilitative support. The aid provided is critical to ensuring victims’ immediate wellbeing and long-term ability to recover.


2. Donate In-Kind (for companies)

Frontline Impact Project, originally conceived by the KIND Foundation during the pandemic to help first responders risking their lives to keep us safe, now has over 100 corporations partnering to provide in-kind relief, including most recently to Ukrainian victims of war. It is now mobilizing in-kind donations for Israeli victims of terror and for humanitarian support in the Middle East.

If you are a CPG company/nonprofit able to donate any of the following items in pallet quantities, please fill out this form.

Items Needed:

  • Non perishable foods (6 month shelf life preferred)

  • Freeze dried foods

  • Hygiene items (feminine hygiene products, shampoo, conditioner, lotions, hair brushes, combs, toothpastes, toothbrushes, deodorant)

  • Baby items (diapers, baby food, formula, pacifiers, diaper rash ointment)

  • Medical supplies


3. Support our Partners

Our organization, the OneVoice Movement is currently directing all donations to humanitarian relief efforts. For the long-term, we and our local grassroots chapters (Zimam in Palestine, and Darkenu in Israel) are continuing our mission to give voice and agency to the moderate majority of citizens on both sides of the conflict who are committed to building toward peaceful resolution.

  • Darkenu: Darkenu organizes the moderate majority of Israelis to exert influence on the public discourse, ensuring Israel acts in line with the wishes of citizens and the principles of democracy, while remaining grounded in a foundation of mutual respect and responsibility. In this crisis, Darkenu has set up a command center to connect citizens to volunteer opportunities. Through DemocraTV, Darkenu is disseminating mental health education by sharing resources such as parent trainings on dealing with trauma.

  • Zimam: Zimam is working in Palestine to create an alternative ecosystem to extremism. Zimam is building a volunteer organizing initiative; a social media enterprise (called Masa7a) to highlight moderate voices and ideas; and a research institute called the Institute for Social and Economic Progress. In this crisis, Zimam is channeling all resources to providing humanitarian aid in Gaza.


Read & Share

We will no longer be sharing stories of atrocities that perpetuate Hamas’ agenda to stoke fear and division. I am using my own social media channels - primarily Instagram and Threads - to share stories that:

  • Amplify the voices of moderate builders

  • Honor the bravery of heroes and the lives of those lost

  • Reaffirm Israel’s right to defend itself (i.e. Remarks from President Biden and Prime Minister Sunak)

  • Educate on fact-based developments in the conflict

  • Share constructive ways to provide humanitarian aid or stand against extremism

Accounts to Follow:

  • DemocraTV: This media project from Darkenu provides news without a political agenda, meant to empower Israeli citizens to make their own decisions. In this crisis, DTV will broadcast in Hebrew and Arabic for all Israeli citizens.

  • Lucy Aharish: Lucy is an Arab-Israeli news anchor and reporter. Watch a clip from her below.

  • Anti-Defamation League (ADL): ADL President, Jonathan Greenblatt, continues to be a voice of humanity and the Jewish community, speaking out against anti-Semitism and hatred in all its forms.

  • Noa Tishby: Noa is a former Special Envoy for Combating Antisemitism and Delegitimization of Israel. She has set up an Instagram channel dedicated to providing updates on the situation.

  • Beitenu / Beitna / HumansofMideast: These channels, operated in Hebrew, Arabic, and English, share humanizing stories meant to highlight the similarities between Israelis and Palestinians.


Let’s Join Together:

Be a Builder

We are living in an era when we are being told that this is a conflict of Left vs. Right, or Jew vs. Muslim, or Israeli vs. Arab, or Red vs. Blue. The truth is that this is a global challenge for moderates to stand up against violent extremism and terrorist absolutism in all of its forms.

This is a conflict of BUILDERS VS. DESTROYERS.

We all need to join as Builders — not just to eradicate hatred and terror, but to supplant it with a better future for all.

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